zum Seitenanfang


AD is a multi-media, on-line platform offering an eclectic mix of cool happening art stuff. We cover contemporary art news and all forms of creativity to do with urban life. Video and performance art, photography, street art, design and anything at the cutting-edge of 21st century culture is interesting to us.

We offer insightful and opinionated articles about art and culture, and interviews with people doing interesting and exciting things. If you’re into looking at art, talking about art or thinking about collecting art we offer news and views about what’s happening now. We cover art fairs, private views, biennales, competitions and galleries big and small. We’re also always on the look-out for the creative stuff that happens in spaces off-beat and experimental.

Founded in London by Mark Westall, who in the ‘90s was at the forefront of the digital revolution.
FAD is to open in New York this March 2014.